Tales from the Yucatan Jungle Available in Paperback and Kindle

Cover of the book Tales From the Yucatan Jungle: Life in a Mayan Village by Kristine EllingsonTales from the Yucatan Jungle: Life in a Mayan Village by Kristine Ellingson is available in both paperback and Kindle.

Where would you go if you needed to get away from it all? What would happen if you never came back? Your life would change forever as it did for Kristine Ellingson. She left her home in the U.S. and moved to Yucatan, the vibrant land of the ancient Maya.

Kristine Ellingson was a successful American jewelry designer with two grown children and a marriage on the rocks. She left her home in Oregon for a trip to Yucatan, Mexico that she believed would be an extended vacation. Much to her surprise, her stop in Yucatan was permanent.

Join Kristine as she recounts her journey in finding a new home and family in a peaceful village near the Mayan ruins of Uxmal. In spite of being an outsider and looking nothing like the Mayas—she is tall and blonde—she is accepted by the village and becomes an integral part of their community. Kristine allows readers to glimpse a world seldom seen by outsiders who travel to the Yucatan Peninsula.

Tales from the Yucatan Jungle: Life in a Mayan Village (ISBN-10: 0975469185, ISBN-13: 978-0975469187, ASIN: B006S8F2KG, SunTopaz, 280 pages). Tales from the Yucatan Jungle is illustrated with 121 photographs. The photos in the Kindle version can be viewed in color. The paperback has black and white photos.

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9780975469187 B006S8F2KG

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